Do you wish you had a smoother and faster computer. Welcome to the world of Linux
Enjoy the best
Learn how a terminal and a linux shell works ” HELLO ROOT”. Find out how APT and Snaps work / SSH protocol / Shell Bash
With our training you will deploy your work under linux as well as under Windows . Discover the best training on the market

In the field of computer security; we advise you Koddos.
Koddos is a web hosting and server rental company with anti ddos protection exclusively under linux distributions.
How we can help you?

Linux learning and training

Linux command line training

Linux computer security training
Learn more about linux
Linux or GNU/Linux is a family of open source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, created in 1991 by Linus Torvalds. Many GNU/Linux distributions have since been released and are an important vehicle for popularizing the free software movement.
Although Linux was originally developed for PC-compatible computers, it has only ever equipped a very small proportion of personal computers.
But the Linux kernel, whether or not accompanied by GNU software, is also used by other types of computer systems, including servers, cell phones, embedded systems and supercomputers. The operating system for Android cell phones, which uses the Linux kernel but not GNU, now equips 85% of touch tablets and smartphones.

Client Testimonials
Here’s what our clients sayHere’s what our clients say
I’m very happy with my new computer, it’s faster, at first I understood aps Unbutu, but now I love it. I’m very happy with my new computer, it’s faster, at first I understood aps Unbutu, but now I love it.

Mashenska Gurotokov
I need a hand to finish the failed installation I did. Small troubleshooting at home super good pass. I need a hand to finish the failed installation I did. Small troubleshooting at home super good pass.

Brad Koligend
Really top tips from Madison and Dylan, I love linux now I work as a programmer I see only Linux now.Really top tips from Madison and Dylan, I love linux now I work as a programmer I see only Linux.

Andrei Lobotoskovack

Why choose us to learn about Linux?
We are a couple who have been passionate about the code since childhood. We’ re part of the international Linux community.
We have all the Linux trainer certifications between the two of us and we have 20 years of experience on els Linux distributions.